Leon's LIVE Version - 1997 HK Concert Pictures
Click here for new pictures (Updated April 19, 1998)
I prefer that you do not use the concert pictures on your web page (since
I took these pix myself), but if you REALLY must use them, then please
contact me first and do not edit the pix in any way (resizing the pix is
still considered as editing)...and please give me credit for my pictures.
Images are not to be reproduced in any way and not
to be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use any of the
other images on your web page, please contact me first. Thanks.
Song titles
I was lucky enough to shake Leon's hand twice! (one per show). I took over
120+ pictures on the December 24th concert, but as you can see, only a
few kinda came out.
I had to change camera batteries during the concert, so the
date on some of the pix is wrong.
I only took 1 roll of 36 film on the 29th since I knew the results wouldn't
be too good.
I bought these pictures in HK.