Leon Now
Sony Music    CPK-2084 (495420  2)

CD w/ 10 songs and also
includes a VCD w/ 5 MTVs:
"Sugar in the Marmalade" (Korean version), "From Now On" (Korean version), "Sour",
"I Love the Flower Scent But Not the Flower", and "Transparent"
Special transparent lyrics also included...printed on transparencies...
Use white background to see Leon's pix and black background to see the lyrics.

Note: the first shipment's VCD cannot be played on a regular VCD player because the files are .mpg files (which can only be seen on a computer and only the "Sugar in the Marmalade" mtv works on the computer..the other mtvs don't work on the computer..the company didn't name the files correctly). Sony Music Korea said the second edition will come out at around 10/9 (I don't know if that's September 10th or October 9th), and if the 1st edition CD has any problems, they will change it to the second edition for you (should be free of charge).

Created by Janice Lo
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